Catalogue of the exhibition Judy Radul: World Rehearsal Court, at the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, The University of British Columbia, Canada


  1. Scott Watson


  1. The Future (link)


  1. Costas Douzinas
  2. Anselm Franke
  3. Sharon Kahanoff
  4. Judy Radul
  5. Scott Watson


  1. Howard Ursuliak
  2. Judy Radul

Video Documentation and Editing

  1. Nick Bradford-Ewart

Audio Recording and Editing

  1. Riley Maruyama

Image Correction

  1. Ryan Peter

Copy Editor

  1. Jenna Newman
  2. Jana Tyner

Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery

  1. The University of British Columbia
  2. 1825 Main Mall
  3. Vancouver, British Columbia
  4. Canada V6T 1Z2

Gallery Staff

  1. Michael Barrick
    Graphics and Media Technician
  2. Krisztina Laszlo
  3. Shelly Rosenblum
    Curator of Academic Programs
  4. Naomi Sawada
    Public Programs and Publicity Coordinator
  5. Owen Sopotiuk
    Collections Manager/Head Technician
  6. David Steele
  7. Teresa Sudeyko
  8. Jana Tyner
    Assistant to the Director
  9. Howard Ursuliak
    Gallery Assistant
  10. Scott Watson
  11. Annette Wooff

© Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, The University of British Columbia, the artist, and the authors. Every effort has been made to contact and credit all copyright holders of the materials on this site. If you feel there has been an omission or error, please contact us at


This online exhibition catalogue is made possible with the support of the British Columbia Arts Council and the Canada Council for the Arts.

BC Arts Council

Canada Council

The exhibition Judy Radul: World Rehearsal Court was presented at the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery at The University of British Columbia from October 9 to December 6, 2009. The project was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Creation Grants in Fine Arts, The Canada Council for the Arts, the British Columbia Arts Council, the BAK basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, and the Western Front Media Arts Artist-in-Residence Program, Vancouver.

Judy Radul was born in Lillooet, British Columbia and lives and works in Vancouver. She received her MFA from Bard College, New York (2000). A consideration of forms and conditions of performance informs her practice which has recently focused primarily on video installation. In October 2009 Radul’s large-scale installation,World Rehearsal Court, involving live and prerecorded video, was presented as a solo exhibition at the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery at The University of British Columbia. The exhibition later traveled to the Generali Foundation, Vienna, Austria, Media City Seoul, Korea and Henie-Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo, Norway. Other recent solo exhibitions include Catriona Jeffries Gallery, Vancouver; Oboro Gallery, Montreal; Presentation House Gallery, North Vancouver; and The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery, Toronto. Radul's work And So Departed (Again) was part of the 2004 Videodreams: Between the Cinematic and the Theatrical at Kunsthaus Graz, Austria. Her major five-channel projection installation, Downes Point, was shown in the 2005 exhibition Intertidal: Vancouver Art and Artists at the Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst (MuHKA) in Antwerp, Belgium. In 2008 the Vancouver-based Kootenay School of Writing commissioned a new video work (Touch Theatre Flood Judgment) from Radul for their Positions Colloquium. In the 2009 exhibition All that is Solid Melts into Air curated by Dieter Roelstraete in Mechelen, Belgium, Radul’s 1999 work In Relation to Objects was shown. Judy Radul teaches at Simon Fraser University and is represented by Catriona Jeffries Gallery, Vancouver.

Costas Douzinas is Professor of Law and Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, University of London. Previously, he was Head of the Birkbeck School of Law (1996-2001) and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (2002-2006); he founded the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities in 2006. Douzinas is a founding member of the Critical Legal Conference, and managing editor of Law and Critique: The International Journal of Critical Legal Thought and the Birkbeck Law Press. Douzinas’ research focuses on political philosophy, jurisprudence human rights, aesthetics and critical theory. His writing has been translated into eight languages, and his many publications include: Adieu, Derrida (2007); Human Rights and Empire: The Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism (2007); and Critical Jurisprudence (with Adam Gearey) (2005). Educated in Athens (LLB), London (LLM, PhD) and Strasbourg (degree for Teachers of Human Rights), he has taught at the Universities of Middlesex, Lancaster, Prague, Athens, Griffith and Nanjing and is a visiting Professor at the University of Athens. Costas Douzinas lives and works in London.

Anselm Franke is a curator and writer based in Brussels and Berlin. He is the Artistic Director of Extra City Center for Contemporary Art in Antwerp, and was a co-curator of Manifesta 7 in Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy in 2008. From 2001 to 2006, Franke was curator of the KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin, where his exhibitions included Territories: Islands, Camps and Other States of Utopia (2003); Image Archives (2001/2002); The Imaginary Number with Hila Peleg (2005); B-Zone: Becoming Europe and Beyond (2006); and the collaborative No Matter How Bright the Light, the Crossing Occurs At Night (2006). In the late 1990s, Franke worked as an assistant director and producer for theatre and film projects. Together with Hannah Hurtzig, he developed new formats of thematic installations and public congresses for the Hamburg Kammerspiele (Filiale für Erinnerung auf Zeit, 2001) and the Volksbühne in Berlin (International Mobile Academy, The Refugee: Services to Undesirables, 2002). Franke has edited and published various publications and is a contributor to magazines which include Metropolis M, Piktogram and Cabinet. Franke is a PhD candidate at the Centre for Research Architecture, Goldsmiths College, University of London.

Sharon Kahanoff is a Vancouver-based filmmaker, artist, writer and educator. She received her BA in Media Arts from Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design (2002) and her MFA from Simon Fraser University (2008). Her works have been exhibited in both cinemas and galleries locally and in the United States, and her writing has been published in exhibition catalogues, art magazines and other art publications.  She teaches at Simon Fraser University and Emily Carr University, sits on the board of Artspeak Gallery, and is a program advisory committee member at Cineworks Independent Filmmakers Society. Her research interests include the performance and theatricality of social relations in contemporary reenactment art and the philosophies and ethics of time expressed through the moving image. Her most recent film, Engaging the theatricality of social spaces, challenges the role of expectation in cinematic viewing experiences.

Scott Watson is Director/Curator of the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery (1989- ) and Professor in the Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory (2003- ) at The University of British Columbia. He is Director and Graduate Advisor for the Critical and Curatorial Studies program, which he helped initiate in 2002. Recent distinctions include invitation to the UBC Chancellor’s Circle (2005), the UBC Dorothy Sommerset Award for Performance Development in the Visual and Performing Arts (2005), the Alvin Balkind Award for Creative Curatorship in British Columbia Arts (2008) and the Hnatyshyn Foundation Award for Curatorial Excellence (2010). Watson’s research focus is contemporary art and issues, art theory and criticism, curatorial and exhibition studies. Watson has published extensively in the areas of contemporary Canadian and international art. His 1990 monograph on Jack Shadbolt earned the B.C. Book Prize in 1991. Recent writing includes “Race, wilderness, territory and the origins of the Modern Canadian landscape” and “Disfigured Nature” in Beyond Wilderness: The Group of Seven, Canadian Identity and Contemporary Art (2007); “Transmission difficulties: Vancouver painting in the 1960s” in Paint (2006); and “The Lost City: Vancouver Painting in the 1950s” in A Modern Life: Art and Design in British Columbia 1945-1960 (2004). Recent curated exhibitions include Mark Boulos (2010); Judy Radul: World Rehearsal Court (2009); Exponential Future (2008); Intertidal: Vancouver Art & Artists (2005/06) at the Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst (MuHKA) in Antwerp, Belgium; Rebecca Belmore: Fountain (2005) for the Venice Biennale Canadian Pavilion; and Thrown: Influences and Intentions of West Coast Ceramics (2004), from which emerged his current publication project on British Columbia’s studio pottery movement. He is presently researching Concrete Poetry for an upcoming publication and exhibition.

Judy Radul: World Rehearsal Court, 2009
Seven-channel video installation, running time 4 hours; four servo-controlled cameras, live camera position playback system, monitors, dolly, track, found and built objects, Plexiglas.

Cast: Trial 1

  1. Accused Former Soldier Who Pleaded Guilty
    Billy Marchenski
  2. Judge
    Lesley Ewen
  3. Mr. Prosecution
    David Bloom
  4. Mr. Defense
    Zinaid Memisevic
  5. Appeals Court Judge
    David Petersen
  6. Court Registrar
    Naufús Ramirez-Figueroa
  7. Guard 1
    Hilman Ismail Mohamed
  8. Guard 2
    Jairo Camargo

Cast: Trial 2

  1. Accused Former President of the 21st Republic
    Ronin Wong
  2. Judge
    Gabrielle Rose
  3. Mr. Prosecution
    Peter Anderson
  4. Ms. Defense
    Linda Quibell
  5. Recognition Witness 1
    Una Memisevic
  6. Recognition Witness 2
    Andy Thompson
  7. Expert Witness
    James Long
  8. Red Cross Witness
    Quelemia Sparrow
  9. Guard 1
    Peter Aguer
  10. Guard 2
    Adriana Contreras


  1. Assistant Director, Technical Director
    Nick Bradford-Ewart
  2. Sound Recording
    Brady Marks
  3. Sound Assistance
    Sandra Wintner
  4. Set Design and Construction
    David Carter
  5. Costumes and Coordination
    Reta Koropatnick
  6. Script Supervision
    Olivia Dunbar
  7. Makeup
    Sandra Rees, Reta Koropatnick
  8. Grips
    Andrew Lee, Riley Maruyama
  9. Production Assistance
    Khan Lee, Jocelyne Chaput, Tony Massil, Andrew Curtis, Sharon Kahanoff, Kevin Schmidt, Heidi Meixner
  10. Location Scouting
    Jocelyne Chaput, Riley Maruyama
  11. Swivel Dolly Design
    Khan Lee with assistance from Nick Bradford-Ewart
  12. Catering
    Lindsay Bradford-Ewart

Post Production

  1. Assistant Editor
    Jocelyne Chaput
  2. Additional Technical Assistance
    Mark Curry syncsync media


  1. Project Coordinator and Technical Director
    Nick Bradford-Ewart
  2. Live Camera Composition System Design
    Brady Marks
  3. Consultation, Engineering, Technical Development
    Khan Lee
  4. Additional Technical Development and Assistance
    Rob Symmers
  5. Carpentry
    Steve Hubert, Chris Turner
  6. Painting
    Zebo Design

Special Thanks

  1. Andrew Curtis
  2. Paul Kajander
  3. Michael Turner
  4. Jen Weih

World Rehearsal Court Tour

Supported by the British Columbia Arts Council.

  1. Generali Foundation
    Vienna, June 2 to August 15, 2010
  2. MediaCity Seoul 2010
    Seoul, September 8 to November 17, 2010
  3. Henie Onstad Art Centre
    Oslo, June 23 to September 2, 2011